The Blue Dumpling Podcast:
Building Asian American Progress in Politics


The Blue Dumpling Podcast is a collaborative effort between the Fells Group and PWP Strategies. This podcast aims to bridge the gap in information and awareness surrounding Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in politics and civic life within the state of Maryland. Blue Dumpling will bring forth influential figures from various communities, as well as experts and political strategists who have effectively connected with the AAPI electorate within the Democratic sphere. These conversations will emphasize the importance of reaching out to Asian American communities during elections, share insights to targeting the AAPI community, and demonstrate subject matter expertise in Asian American political engagement and mobilization.

Jonathon Rowland

Co-Host; Founding & Managing Partner at Fells Group

Jonathon Rowland has been involved in electing AAPI candidates for the past decade, from statewide races to local school boards. He currently serves on the boards of the Maryland Democratic Party Asian American Pacific Islander Diversity Leadership Council & Asian Americans Mobilize, Organize, Vote & Empower (AAMOVE), and is the managing partner of Fells Group.

Tonia Bui

Co-Host; Founding & Managing Director of PWP Strategies

As a seasoned political operative and communications strategist, Tonia Bui specializes in outreach to underrepresented communities, including AAPI populations. Tonia has spent nearly two decades leading robust communications, public relations, and messaging efforts for diverse candidates running for local, state, and federal offices. She serves on the Maryland Democratic Party AAPI Diversity Leadership Council and the Asian American Political Alliance board in Montgomery County.

Lizzie Gilmore


As a fellow podcast enthusiast, Lizzie Gilmore is excited to bring Blue Dumpling to life! Lizzie received a Bachelor of Science in Audio Technology from American University in 2019 and dabbles in engineering podcasts in her free time. While her past podcasts catered toward a light-hearted discourse surrounding music, she's excited to work with Fells Group and shine a new light onto the AAPI community.  Lizzie now resides in Seattle, WA where the AAPI community is strong and steadfast. So, she hopes to elevate AAPI voices and build political interest in the community.


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